Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Importance of Learning Your Lessons!

So, when your new stomach is the shape and size of an average banana, you don't eat much. About a quarter to half a cup. Not much.

The important bit is, it is all supposed to be protein. As a high a protein as you can find.

Protein turns out to be an essential nutrient found in animal products, nuts, and beans. The big clue to me should have been in the name protein, as it comes from the Greek word protos, which means “first.” Your body uses proteins in your diet to build new cells, maintain tissues, and synthesize new proteins that make it possible for you to perform basic bodily functions.

So yeah, idiot over here have not been getting enough protein by eating yoghurt and cheese only thinking he has the protein bits covered. Since Wednesday I have been plagued by constant nosebleeds that just did not stop. Not heavy, rush off to ER nosebleeds just a constant trickle that irritates and stop/starts the whole day.

About half the dietary protein that you consume each day goes into making enzymes, which are specialized worker proteins that do specific jobs, such as digest food and assemble or divide molecules to make new cells and chemical substances. To perform these functions, enzymes often need specific vitamins and minerals. Wonder how I know so much about proteins, so suddenly? Turns out there is a For Dummies guide to it!

With allergy season in high gear where I live, the tissue and membranes in my right nostril were the first to go.

Thank the Lord for my ever vigilant heath care provider who knew exactly what was going on and put a stop to it. And I got yet another stern talking to. Sigh.

Anyway, she did get me to eat some of Rudy's BBQ Turkey, now I am hooked! 1/5 of a pound is only 85 calories. It is moist and tender white meat. I dipped it in Walden Farms ZERO calories Sesame Ginger dressing. Instant Happiness!

So needless to say after some vigorous antibiotic ointment on a cotton swab inside the nostril goings on and moistening said nostrils with a saline spray, the nose bleeds have stopped.

Thank the Lord, as I am running out of clean shirts.

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